Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Obama or Bust

I just joined up as a volunteer in Barack Obama's campaign. Why you may ask? This is why:
I am fed up with Republicans. Plain and simple. In 2004 when Kerry ran and lost I actually became physically ill when I found out that Bush had won. This was after the abortion of an election in 2000, that Gore won and yet lost anyway.
We are spending trillions of dollars on a war that was started to put Sadam's nose in the dirt because he threatened the life of Bush Sr. We have a private army (Blackwater) working for Bush Fils, run by a right wing, ultra-conservative, Bible-toting nut. They don't seem to be subject to any of the laws governing the rest of us and think torture is a valid info gathering tool.
None of the Republican candidates, including America's mayor Rudy, seems to have a clue as to what life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is all about. Any one that you turn to is either corrupt, power mad or both. Their sons don't go to Iraq, they espouse "family values" and are found with their pants around their ankles somewhere. And don't get me started on family values. A family is a man and woman. Must be because the Pope said so the other day. Doesn't matter if they're at each other's throats, fooling around on the side or taking care of the kids by sitting them in front of a TV and letting them watch what they want, so that they can write a letter to the FCC and tell them about how unsuitable the programming is.
So yeah, I'm volunteering to work for Obama. Maybe he's not perfect, but then again who is?

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